Relaxation Techniques Boost Health

By Gene Sykes
There are many techniques in achieving maximum relaxation. These techniques can lessen stress, and help you fully enjoy your life even when you are ill. Relaxation techniques are a great form of stress management. One advantage is that they reduce stress on your body and mind. They help you deal with daily stress and other stress related problems, such as pain and sickness.
You can take advantage of relaxation techniques even if your stress has subsided, or is still in its worst condition. There are easy basic techniques that you must learn to enjoy relaxation. These techniques may have a small cost or no cost at all and may create a slight risk but can be done almost anywhere. Following the easy techniques of relaxation can help you get started to fully release stress.
If you have lots of tasks and responsibilities both at home and on work, or if your illness is giving you more demands, relaxation techniques can help you so much. Relaxation techniques can also give you many health benefits by lowering stress:
- They slow down your heart rate
- They lower your blood pressure
- They slow down your breathing rate
- They increase blood flow towards your major muscles
- They reduce chronic pain and muscle tension
- They improve concentration
- They reduce frustration and anger
- They boost confidence in handling problems
Relaxation techniques can be more effective when done together with other positive activities, such as getting enough sleep, exercise, and supporting friends and loved ones.
Health experts like psychotherapists, doctors, and alternative and complementary health practitioners, know different kinds of relaxation techniques. You can also discover some methods by yourself.
Generally, the techniques in relaxation involve refocusing your mind onto a calming situation to increase awareness in your body. The type of technique does not matter for as long as you do relaxation frequently to achieve benefits.
Types of Relaxation Techniques
Autogenic relaxation. This type of relaxation means something that happens within you. In this technique, you are using your visual imagery in combination with body awareness in reducing stress. You are saying words within your mind over and over again while reducing muscle tension. An example is when you are imagining a calm environment and then you start to focus on relaxing your breathing, and stretching your legs and hands.
Progressive muscle technique. This relaxation technique helps you in focusing slowly on tensing and then trying to relax every muscle group. This technique helps you in focusing on the distinction between relaxation and muscle tension. You are becoming more conscious of bodily sensations.
Another technique of progressive muscle relaxation is by starting to tense and relax the muscles in your feet particularly on the toes and then work your way up to your head. Alternatively, you can start from the head going down if you want. Tense your muscles for 5 seconds. and then relax them for 30 seconds. Do this repeatedly.
Visualization. With this relaxation technique, mental images are formed by taking an imaginary travel to a calming and peaceful situation or place. During the mental picture, use as many senses as you can, such as touch, sound, sight, and smell. If you are imagining a relaxing moment at the beach, for example, imagine such things as the sound of the waves, smell of salt water, and the heat of the sun touching your body. You can close your eyes, and sit somewhere quiet and then loosen your tight clothing.
Other common relaxation techniques include meditation, massage, hypnosis, yoga, and tai chi.
As you practice relaxation techniques, you will be more responsive of muscle tension and other stress factors. If you are fully aware of this, you can do relaxation techniques when you feel stressed. You use of relaxation techniques can be improved if used regularly. Remember to be tolerant of yourself, and do not allow your endeavors to add to your stress. Try a relaxation technique that will work for you. Talk to your physician about other alternatives if you think that these techniques do not work for you.
Meditation enables acceptance of the stressful experiences in life. By learning your body’s stress response, you will be better able to reach your relaxed state of mind.
Article Source: Relaxation Techniques Boost Health
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