Here are some exercises and resources to help you get more from your mindfulness meditation practice:
- The 12 Steps of the Mindfulness Meditation Practice
- Goal Statement Exercise
- Writing Meditation Exercises
- Meditation Group Starter Kit
The 12 Steps of the Mindfulness Meditation Practice
The 12 Steps of the Mindfulness Meditation Practice are the foundation of the Institute’s unique approach to learning this time-tested ancient practice. They begin with learning some of the basic principles of mindfulness meditation, such as the Four Noble Truths and the Five Hindrances.
Then you will learn the proper techniques of the meditation practice, so you can make quick and steady progress toward calming your mind and overcoming stress. The remaining steps show you how to make mindfulness a way of life, so you can realize true inner peace. Download a printable copy here.
Also, download a FREE sample chapter of our new book “Mindfulness Meditation Made Simple: Your Guide to Finding True Inner Peace.” This powerful book explains the 12 Steps in detail, and shows you how to get the most from your meditation practice. Download your free sample chapter here.
Goal Statement Exercise
Most successful people establish goals for themselves. This increases the likelihood that they will actually accomplish them. If you’re serious about your meditation practice, then you’ll make the commitment to practicing diligently and consistently.
A goal statement is a powerful tool to help you get started with your mindfulness meditation practice, and stay on track. This simple exercise will make it easy for you to prepare your own statement, and show you to use it for maximum effectiveness. Download the exercise here.
Writing Meditations
You can change a lifetime of habits in less than a week with these powerful writing meditations. This simple exercise can be done in just 10 minutes a day.
Simply copy the them by hand in a notebook or journal, for about 10-15 minutes a day. Any time of the day is fine. After a few days, you’ll notice how your thinking and behavior are changing without any conscious effort.
Here are free printable copies of our life-changing writing meditations. Share them freely with friends and family members who you would like to see find true happiness in their lives. The writing meditations will help them transform their lives in just a matter of days.
Healing, relationships, and sociability
The loving-kindness writing meditation will help you heal the wounds from your past by changing your attitudes about other people. It will help you become more understanding and forgiving of other people for their transgressions. The meditation will also help you become more sociable and outgoing. These changes will improve your relationships.
The self-compassion writing meditation will help you develop compassion for yourself for greater health and longevity. It does this by reprogramming your subconscious mind so you begin living a healthier lifestyle without any conscious effort. It will give you the inner strength to make healthier choices in different areas of your life.
Weight loss and smoking cessation
The mindful consumption meditation will help you overcome stubborn habits such as smoking and overeating. It does this by helping you become more mindful of the things you put into your body, and by giving you the inner strength to let go of nutrients and substances that aren’t serving you well.
Staying focused in your meditation practice
Living the mindfulness meditation practice. This comprehensive writing meditation will help you stay focused by reinforcing in your subconscious the ideals of your meditation practice. It covers your goals, the practice, loving-kindness, relationships, mindful consumption, and carrying the message of the practice to others.
Cancer Recovery
The writing meditation for cancer recovery will help those who are dealing with cancer by giving them the inner strength they need during this time of crisis. Not only will it help them accept their situation with courage and dignity, but it will also help strengthen their immune system for improving their recovery.
Coping with Grief
Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be one of the most painful and debilitating experiences in life. If you have recently experienced a loss, the writing meditation for healing will help you build the strength to do what is necessary to heal your broken heart by helping you turn to your faith for insight and support.
Starting a Mindfulness Meditation Group
Are you interested in starting a mindfulness meditation group in your area? We’ve made is easy for you to start a meeting with your friends and/or coworkers. Our group starter kit will help you get your group off to a good start. The files in this kit are designed to help you keep your group focused on its primary purpose, so that it remains effective at helping members get the most from their meditation practice.
This group format uses the Mindfulness Meditation Institute’s unique approach to the practice. For clear and simple instructions, we recommend getting the Quick Start to Mindfulness Meditation CD. It explains the basics of the practice, and then shows you how to implement the techniques through the guided meditations.
For a more in-depth discussion of the practice, we recommend the book Mindfulness Meditation Made Simple: Your Guide to Finding True Inner Peace. It is ideal for using as a study guide with your group.
The kit includes a set of guidelines for using the files. These guidelines are designed to keep you connected with the Mindfulness Meditation Institute, so that we can provide you with ongoing support. Our goal is to help you succeed with your mindfulness meditation group, so that you and your members realize their full spiritual potential. Click here to download your FREE group starter kit.
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